October 30, 2006

Gather Your Information

Before you higher someone to design your portfolio site, decide what you want to put on it. Gather photos of your past projects, if you don't have any go take some. Write down detailed descriptions of each project you plan to feature, include materials used or special techniques. Write a short bio or "about us" for your company. It's a good idea to search the web for sites that offer similar services and write down what you like or don't like about those sites.

You should go to the designer with all of your information gathered together along with an idea of what you like or don't like about the sites you've seen. This way you are more likely to end up with the site you want, and not the site that the designer wants to make you. After all, it is your portfolio site and what people see there will determine what they think of your business.

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October 14, 2006

What is a Portfolio site?

A portfolio site is where consumers go to do research on companies they are considering doing business with.

Your portfolio site should include information about your company (services offered, years experience), contact information, pictures of past projects (always detail what you are showing in the pictures), and any reviews that you may have (from local papers, trade magazines, or references from past clients). Make sure to highlight your specialization and include examples with pictures and details.


October 12, 2006

Portfolio Sites

Portfolio is defined as: a flat, portable case for carrying loose papers, drawings, etc.

However, this definition is a bit out of date. No longer are portfolios carried around in an attache case by men in their Brooks Brother's suits.

In the online, fast paced marketplace of today consumers request, if not demand an online portfolio. Potential clients want to be able to shop businesses without leaving their homes. They want to be able to look at your business' site and know immediately why they should choose you over your competition. To do this, you need a portfolio site.

The simple truth is: if your business card doesn't have a web address on it, you are losing business.
